Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanksgiving. . .

. . . .for a day off school. Today was a snow day for the kids due to icy roads and a small snow storm. They were certainly thankful for the day off and we ended up doing some Christmas shopping at the mall. It was hard to remember that it was a BIG holiday in the U.S., and this is the first year I think that I did not make a Thanksgiving meal on the US holiday. I must be adapting pretty well to Canadian life! Jim was a bit disappointed (he LOVES those big meals with gravy and mashed potatoes!) but Andrew (who washes dishes this week) was not! HAPPY THANKSGIVING all you Americans!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the new format of your blog. It looks professional.

Happy Thanksgiving to you also. Sorry Jim didn't get his big meal, but I can identify with Andrew also. I remember doing all those dishes also, although I don't mind it any more (most of the time.

G'ma S