Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Udates

These last few months have been a very busy time for our family, especially the primary blogger.  Posting blogs has been set aside while she works on her other priorities.

The kitchen cabinets are ALMOST done!  The project was started in January, so it will be good to have doors on the cabinets. (Although, I must say I didn't miss the slamming of the doors and it was easier to get things from the cupboards.)  I did have to tell a few visitors that having no cabinet doors was not our "new look" for the kitchen.

I have taken a new position within Canada Post as a letter carrier.  This is a casual position and I am on a list with several other casuals waiting for calls to fill in for the permanent workers.  This is how all letter carriers start, so there is no other way to become a letter carrier.  I did have 2 1/2 weeks of training, so I am feeling a bit more confident about the job.  Some routes have more steps a day in them than climbing to the top of the CN tower.  This job will pay more than my other position and I get to be outside.  I did not like working in the office every day, even though I enjoyed the customers.  Hopefully, I will get enough work to make it worthwhile.

Softball season has started for Julia and me.  We will be busy several nights a week with games.  Andrew is also playing on a team through our church.  He usually plays soccer in the spring/summer, but decided on softball this season.  He is still roofing as much as he can after his morning classes.  He is also working at Wendy's to supplement his income.

Leah and Julia's show season has also started.  Julia was at a show two weeks ago (placed 3rd in combined) and both of them went to a training Dressage show last weekend.  The Dressage show was at their coach's barn, so it was very close.  The judge was a Grand Prix rider who talked to each of the riders after their test to tell them how they could improve their scores the next show.  She was very helpful.

Hannah has been busy working at Anna Mae's and organizing her "Relay for Life" group.  This is a group of 10 students who have to raise $1000 for cancer research.  They then do a relay for several hours long, even going into the night.  Hannah is team captain and has worked hard to bring it all together.  The relay falls on her 18th birthday, so we will have to celebrate it on another day.  Hannah is also looking forward to her prom and has been out shopping for all the right accessories!

Daniel is coming up to the tail end of his first year in high school.  He has done well, but will need to focus on what kind of job he wants for the summer.  He is content to just hang out and ride his BMX bike, but that is not an option for the summer.  He has been going through a growth spurt and is now taller than me.  He really has a talent for fixing electronics and likes the challenge of trying to figure out how it all works.  Most of the time when he puts it together again, it works great.  Sometimes, it doesn't ever work again!  Dropping it in water doesn't do it any good even if you soak it in rice.

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