Sunday, February 12, 2012


One slippery, snowy day, Andrew slid into the back of an SUV. While there was absoutely NO damage to the SUV (praise God!) Andrew's Civic did not make it out undamaged. Thankfully, he was going slow and no one got hurt, but our mechanic thought we should scrap the car. It was going to cost too much to repair. This is where my wonderful husband stepped in and unbent the frame enough to access the altenator. He then spliced the cut wire together so that it could once again charge the battery. After that, he re-attached the hood to the frame (so that it wouldn't fly up when a large vehicle passed Andrew). Finally, he re-mounted the review mirror. Oh, and did I mention he duct taped the headlight so the rain/snow would not get in? And he did this one Saturday morning all the while Andrew was sleeping in and surprised him when he woke up. From junk yard bound to "a few more months. . .maybe" in 4 hours.


LuAnn said...

Nice! I need one of those kind of men in my life! Good job, Jim!

Baurer said...

wow! I'm impressed!