Sunday, October 23, 2011

Party Time!

Last night, our four teenagers hosted a large party with some of their friends. We had planned on playing beach volleyball (in the sand arena), have a bonfire, and play "capture the flag." The week before, we had so much rain, we didn't know if we would even be able to be outside. However, God is good, and the weather on Sat. turned into the perfect fall day. An hour before the party started, Andrew and some of his friends dug a deep hole and put in a retired hydro pole. They then put a light on top so they could play their volleyball game in the dark. Since the party started at 6:30pm and it gets dark at 7pm, we did need some sort of lighting out in the arena. The games went well and the bonfire was a great warming station. We really enjoyed meeting all their friends and hosting them at our place. I am not sure if anyone in our family got any photos, but if they did, I will post them.

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