Thursday, May 21, 2009

Projects to do. . .

  1. FLOWER BEDS. I have the flowers, I just need to clean them out (weeds) and turn the soil. No time because of the following. . .
  2. TACK ROOM. I have been wanting to make a room/wall in the barn ever since last spring when we did the renovation. I found several tools (some power ones, whooo hooo) really cheap at a recent garage sale, so now I have the tools to do what I want. A friend came out to help me get started with the framing.
  3. BEACH VOLLEYBALL. In the sand arena. We were given a nice volleyball net and poles from a neighbor who moved almost 2 years ago. It is about time we got the thing up! I was able to get two tires with rims from a friend and cemented the post holders into them this past weekend. Now I need to shorten the poles to regulation height. Then, we will have our own beach volleyball court right in our back yard (don't forget to scoop the horse poop, though!)
  4. FENCE FIXING. This seems to be a never ending project. There is always more fence areas to fix. We have been replacing sections at a time, but someday, we will need to redo the whole back pasture fence. We are currently taking donations!
  5. GATES. See above. We did find some nice gates on Kijiji recently and now have a gate in our arena. This is good. Now, when Leah is working Blaze, he can't try to run out of the arena.
  6. LAWN WEEDING. Those pesky thistles seem to come back with a vengence every spring. I would like them to just disappear without having to touch them. No matter what gloves I wear, I seem to always get pricked!

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