Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Proud Popa (to be)

Odie and Ellie have been bumped up to living in the house lately again due to the very cold weather and snow storm we have had this weekend. They are enjoying to increased attention and playtime. Ellie is sure growing big. Odie is looking very mature (although he doesn't act that way very often. His whining HAS decreased, which is helping with being allowed in the house!)

Today (Sunday) we stayed home from church (which was holding their Christmas play) because of a big snow storm that is trying to bury us! The kids are hoping it will continue well into tomorrow so school will be cancelled.

Yesterday, before the snow storm started, Leah rode Sierra in the Santa Clause parade in St. Clements. She rode with her school friends (and their parents) and Sierra did really well. She is SUCH a great horse with all that commotion going on around her. When the parade was over, they rode around town to see some friends. The weather was SO cold, and I was very glad I was not riding.

I have been working about 1 day a week now, so there is lots of time for me to get ready for the holidays. I am also doing some building for the whelping pen/box for Ellie. I am enjoying learning how to use the power tools (for the most part. . . they still scare me a bit).

The kids have their school Christmas program on Wednesday evening and are busy getting ready for that. We are all looking forward to their time off from school.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Riding a horse in a parade in December sounds (in CANADA, no less) sounds pretty cold! Did you have your long johns on????
