Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another one rides the bike. . . .

Julia finally got her chance to ride a dirt bike. At the Walton MX races, they had a Yamaha school where they would teach kids how to ride the dirt bikes with all the gear. Julia was very happy to finally get to ride a real dirt bike. She did say today that horses were better, though! (One more person on the horse lovers' side!!!)
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Anonymous said...

Julia, you look like a 'pro' will all that gear on! I definitely wouldn't have recognized you, but I'm sure you had fun. And I'm glad you like horses better!

Baurer said...

Julia looks like a natural! And Hannah may have to join up with Joshua to start their own bakery (Joshua loves to cook, too).

Our boys would have loved to watch the bike races. Did Jim and Andrew have to flag any crashes? Did it go OK for them? Did the rest of your family get in free because they guys were working? Does Andrew want to get into racing? (David does --- and is already saving his money for a better bike)